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Where's Jane!?

Writer: janefontjanefont

Hello, dear friends! How are all of you? I know, I’ve been away for quite a while. Honestly, the stress of the world has taken a toll on me lately. Like a lot of you, I’m sure, I’ve been dealing with some anxiety and depression. Don’t worry, though. I’m not just sitting in a pit of despair. I’ve been busy, busy, busy (most days, anyway). Here’s a little breakdown of what’s been going on.

When this whole pandemic thing started, I vowed to myself that I was going to put my head down and just power-work to keep my mind off of things. That didn’t really work out for me. First, the stress of the world made it hard for me to be creative. Then the stress of not being creative made it hard to work. And THEN the stress of not being able to work just caused more stress, and the whole cycle started again. I actually went for about 2 months without painting. I did a few events with my Patreon group, so I can’t say I didn’t paint at all, but painting for myself and painting for work serve two totally different purposes and they do different things for me emotionally.

Since we had some extra time on our hands, Vince and I decided to foster a little kitty who wasn’t doing well in the shelter. We named him Canelo after our favorite boxer, because this little guy is a fighter! He’s a darling little ginger cat who had to have one of his legs amputated. He was fresh out of surgery when he came to live with us, and the poor guy hadn’t even figured out how to walk on three legs yet. Lots of kitteh treats, snuggles, loves, and two more surgeries later, and he’s doing SO much better! He's slowly meeting Mr Moon and Olaf, but through a baby gate.

Vince and I have also been working on our book trilogy that’s coming out! Our old blog, Shadows on the Page, will now be a book! The first one will be published on August 1st. However, we’re offering signed copies until July 31st! If you want more info on that, check out We’re super excited about this, and can’t wait to share it with you!

I finally started painting again! I decided that the only way out of the block was through. It’s been so good to get back to it, and it really has helped me with some of my anxiety. If you’d like to see what I’m working on, you can check out my Facebook or Instagram art pages. The paintings I’m posting there are not available for reproduction and there won’t be tutorials on them. These are just my personal paintings. That's something I'm currently trying to find a way to handle. I realize I've made a career of creating paintings that are meant for recreation and that a lot of people automatically assume that means anything I paint is available for recreation. That's part of the reason I've created separate social media accounts. The art on my Painting with Jane accounts is available for recreation. The art on Pandemonium Jane isn't. Hopefully that's not confusing... They are available for sale, though, ha! #shamelessplug

Finally, I’ve been working on another project that I’m not ready to talk about just yet. I’m really hoping to get it wrapped up soon so I can share, but it will probably still be a little bit longer. Oh, yeah, brushes will probably be available again on a limited basis soon, but I am out of stock on quite a few. Please be patient with me. It takes quite a bit of time before I can get out-of-stock brushes back in, and I will not be shipping daily. I will try to keep the “announcements” section of the front page of my website updated with as much info as I have.

I’m not gone forever, guys. Things will probably be quite a bit different going forward, but I will be back. I miss you guys and I hope you’re all doing well! Please tell me something you’ve done this year that makes you happy or that you’re proud of. There’s a lot of yuckiness in the world right now, so let’s focus on the good things.


34 Kommentare

Donna Masters
Donna Masters
11. Sept. 2023

Jane, you are an inspiration to me. I'm new to painting and I'm currently working on your fence painting with the flowers. Oh ..the flowers will be challenging. In this painting you spoke of working with metal. Quick question, did you make the ring with the red stone tjat you wear on your ring finger.. Cause I have looked and looked for one. So not only does your painting techniques and calmness inspire me but that ring does too !

Take care Jane

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25. Feb. 2022

Jane, I'm so glad you're back. I decided to try painting a couple of years old (how hard could it be ? You just slap some paint in a canvas.. Ah, the hubris).Anyway, I found you on YouTube and used you as my inspiration and guide. My first picture was the palette knife window screen. Even got a family member to take it 😊. You're the voice in my head whenever my painting isn't what I envisioned. (Be yourself, paint what / how you want, use whatever colors you have, use whatever size canvas you want). Loved the grapes / pears painting though way beyond my talents, but it was enjoyable watching you again. Welcome back.

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Bobbie Jo Thomas
Bobbie Jo Thomas
12. Feb. 2022

I just recently found your YouTube channel and I love it! Thank you for sharing yourself with the world. I will be painting along with you and learning new techniques through some of your videos. I hope honestly hope to see some new videos from you in the future.

Bobbie Thomas

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05. Okt. 2021

Hello Jane,

Hoping all is well with you and your family ! Miss you and look forward to painting again with you soon, stay well and safe from the world

Sindi (from Florida)

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23. Sept. 2020

Thank you for sharing all of those feelings with the world. I am new here and was realizing you hadn't posted any new YT videos in quite some quite frankly...I was concerned as well! The pandemic is an oddly weird, invisible stress we are all are ingesting differently...but much the same. Painting...and your wonderful tutorials have inspired me to get to it...and I look forward to coming home from work and painting with you! Thank you for being uniquely you...this world is a better place because YOU are in it!!

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